School-Based Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Ambassadors of Change

  • Who are they?

    Ambassadors of Change are a collective of students within your school. These students are leaders, advocates, innovators, and activists. They represent the diverse populations within your school and will address change needed to support ALL students. They are led by faculty from your school and a representative from Focal Point. The group will act as liaisons for students who’s voices often go unheard.

  • Why do we need them?

    High schools in Utah are overwhelmingly homogeneous. This leads to an alarming rate of bullying, prejudice, and discrimination towards minority populations. Teenagers often times don’t comprehend the impacts that bullying and hate can have on someone’s mental health and self actualization. Ambassadors of Change will focus on these issues and work towards bringing change to the school’s environment and culture.

  • What will they do?

    Ambassadors of Change will hold a great amount of social responsibility within their school. They will provide support for students to talk about instances of discrimination, prejudice, and hate as well as addressing change needed within school policy, programs, or culture that is harmful to people of marginalized identities. It is imperative for there to be safe places in schools for kids to process and express what they are experiencing in situations of discrimination. This group of students will be that safe place.

  • How do we get them?

    It is really important for the culture of this group to have the power remain with the students. Focal Point’s approach will ensure that the group will have the structure it needs to make effective change while keeping the power for that change within the students. Click the button below to schedule a consultation and start the process of getting Ambassadors of Change within your school.